Helping businesses unlock their team’s potential through actionable, data-driven insights.
TPT Apps
Over 150,0000 client
We created over 27,000+ stunning
and quality product over last 5
years with
What clients say
about us
Analysts used Mode's advanced analytics capabilities to build parameterized report and visualizations with live data. The customer success team then used the intuitive drag interface to delve
John Butler
Analysts used Mode's advanced analytics capabilities to build parameterized report and visualizations with live data. The customer success team then used the intuitive drag interface to delve
John Butler
Our solution integrates effortlessly with your business
Unlock your team’s full potential using actionable insights derived from advanced data analytics—enhancing decision-making, fostering collaboration, and driving operational excellence.
Continuously pushing the boundaries to provide advanced, AI-powered solutions.
Get to know the brilliant minds driving innovation!
Bob DeMaria
Curt Hulbert
Ian Goodberlet
Parth Sadani
Our software is trusted by these great companies
Ready to revolutionize
your business?
Our flagship solution, 3UYS Personality Profiler, is designed to help businesses of all sizes improve team collaboration, resolve communication issues, and foster a positive company culture.